Chamber Logo & Origin Story

Every generation has it’s own style or vibe, it’s zeitgeist. I believe it’s important to capture this and reflect it in our work to let everyone know “who” we are. When I started at the chamber, I read through some of our old documents and tried to gain an understanding of who were and where we came from.

I learned that we first applied for Board of Trade incorporation in 1926 and were granted status in 1927. Our inaugural board was comprised of multiple farmers, a physician and an ice manufacturer. In the 1950’s we were renamed a Chamber of Commerce and until 1979 Parksville was included in the boundaries of our chamber.

Our original 1926 Board of Trade application. 

Throughout history, the ocean has played a significant part in our community. In the past it was our only commercial link to the mainland and main source of industries like fishing and logging. Nowadays it supports a thriving tourism, vacation and eco-recreation industry. This is why our logo has always included a sail to pay homage to this history. I needed to find a way to capture the spirit of today’s ocean in our new logo.

A few of our logos from over the years.

You can visit the final resting place of 14 ships that worked our waters at the Royston Ship Wrecks near Courtenay.

Then it happened! I was looking out my office window at the Canadian Caribbean and inspiration struck.

View from my office. 

Classic QB sunset.

The quintessential symbol of vacation and island life. 

All of these blended together in a symbol I feel reflects our lifestyle, vibrancy and heritage of the community.

Looking out my window, I wonder what the future of the chamber will be in another 20 years. How will we have changed and adapted? What will our community look like? Will our role still be the same or have changed? Right now that’s up to us to decide but I hope I’m here in another 20 or 30 years to see it’s next evolution.


First Principles Thinking