Career Centre Parksville

We can assist you in searching for work, exploring career options and provide you with up-to-date labour market information. We also support local employers through the many resources and programs we have to offer. Our Resource Room is FREE and available to all residents of the Parksville/Qualicum area who are seeking employment. Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm and open until 6:00pm on Wednesdays. We are located at #110-198 East Island Highway in Parksville, right across from the Community Park.

When you visit us, you can expect friendly and personalized services to support your employment-related goals. Whether you meet one-to-one with an employment consultant, participate in a job-search, skills-development, career-decision-making workshop or use self-serve resources, we have something just for you! As a job seeker, you will have access to computers, printers, faxing, photocopying, job-search-related Internet access, and telephone messaging services. Our team wants you to be successful in your job search!

Phone: 250-248-4154

Address: #110-198 East Island Highway, Parksville, BC


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